Explore the world's biggest database of global food suppliers

Find your next verified supplier faster than ever with the power of AI

Claridock provides structured data on global food producers. Filter out the suppliers based on your preferences regarding location, shipping cost estimates, quality, social certificates, and more. Data is used to help you make best possible decisions.

Discover suppliers that your competitors are buying from

We have detailed data on all the food imports and we connect all the dots so you don't have to.

Filter food suppliers based on certificates, detailed product categories, location, volumes and more.

Discover new and fastest-growing suppliers for products you care about

We are constantly monitoring the market for new suppliers and can show you which are the new suppliers in your area of interest.

Estimate shipping costs

We integrate to over a hundred different freight forwarders in order to get you the best spot estimate.

Receive multiple offers and compare them via the platform

If you decide to communicate with the supplier via the platform you will have an easy way to compare the offers.